How Now Blue Cow

The place I post funnies, so they can be deleted from my email.....

Friday, January 09, 2009

Rednecks are the best inventors

Here is another one of those funny(?) things passed around the internet.

Thanks, Art.

Tree Swing ..... Are these your neighbors?

Redneck cooler races: Now that's class. Notice that she is not spilling her beer.

Redneck windshield defroster:

Redneck toilet paper holder:

Redneck camper:

Redneck motorcycle mover:

Redneck revenge prophecy:

Redneck motorcycle sidecar:

Redneck computer chair: Beer and a toilet at your desk... why leave work?

Redneck discus: toilet seat cover

Redneck ice fishing:

Redneck swamp bike:

And everyone's favorite ... A Redneck Wedding:

(ummm, is that a mermaid on the far left? .... she is even pulling the top to keep it down)

Don't laugh. . . you know you are related to these people somehow!


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