How Now Blue Cow

The place I post funnies, so they can be deleted from my email.....

Friday, March 16, 2007

Not “the sharpest knife in the drawer”

Chris, a friend of mine, sent me a list of other descriptive phrases that might also apply.

The wheel’s spinning but the hamster’s asleep.
He does not have all his dogs on the same leash.
He doesn’t have his belt through all the loops.
His antenna doesn’t pick up all the channels.
All booster, no payload.
He sold his car for gas money.
When he saw the sign “Airport Left” he turned around and went home.
When he heard 90 percent of all crimes occur in the home, he moved.
He stole a car and kept up the payments.
He went to the movies and they said “Under 17 not admitted”, so he went home and got 16 friends.


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