How Now Blue Cow

The place I post funnies, so they can be deleted from my email.....

Thursday, October 08, 2009

Gunnery Sergeants are tough hombres...

Thanks, Vern.

The gunnery sergeant noticed a Marine just fresh of PI and barked at him, "Get your ass over here, Marine! What's your name?" "Paul," the new Marine replied. "Paul!!!, I don't know what kind of bleeding-heart pansy bull-shit they're teaching in boot camp today, but I don't call you by your first name," the sergeant scowled. "Do I look like your buddy? I refer to Marines in my company by their last names only --- Smith, Jones, Baker. I am to be referred to only as ' Sergeant.' Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, Sergeant!" "Now that we've got that straight, what's your last name?" The recruit sighed, "Darling; my name is Paul Darling." "Okay, Paul, listen up; here's what I want you to do ....."


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